Son Vida

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About Son Vida

Son Vida is a residential area located very close to the city of Palma and is one of the most sought after and exclusive locations in Mallorca. Its manicured golf courses, famous hotels and...

Son Vida is a residential area located very close to the city of Palma and is one of the most sought after and exclusive locations in Mallorca. Its manicured golf courses, famous hotels and architect-designed villas make it a popular destination for well-heeled golfers and discerning home owners, as well as royal visitors, dignitaries and celebrities.

Son Vida sits in an elevated position allowing amazing views of the surrounding mountains and countryside and the Bay of Palma. Discover Son Vida with our abcMallorca guide and find out what makes it so special.

The first mention of the name Son Vida derives from the famous Vida family including Mateu Vida who purchased land in 1518 and developed farming. There are records dating back to the 13th century for a castle here which is now a hotel. 

The list of visiting celebrities and dignitaries to Son Vida is endless. Princess Grace, Brigitte Bardot, Maria Callas and Sting are all reported to have stayed here. Today Son Vida still exudes an air of elite sophistication and is an exclusive venue for golf and is considered to be a district within greater Palma

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