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About Agüimes

Agüimes offers a variety of leisure attractions for visitors, whether it is strolling through the historic centre, green areas and natural landscapes, or taking part in the different cultural...

Agüimes offers a variety of leisure attractions for visitors, whether it is strolling through the historic centre, green areas and natural landscapes, or taking part in the different cultural activities that are held throughout the year.

One of the most interesting visits for tourists is to the Parish Church of San Sebastián, a stone building in the style of a cathedral, with a façade which is one of the best examples of Canary Islands neoclassical architecture. It was declared a National Artistic Historic Monument in 1981.

In the plaza de San Antón there is the Agüimes Interpretation Centre, which enables visitors to understand the architectural, artistic and historic features of the Historic Centre, the different types of buildings that exist or once existed there, such as the rural houses, the houses of the bourgeoisie, craft workshops, chapels, churches, convents and archaeological sites.

For those who wish to see the natural area of the municipality there are two places that must not be missed: Temisas and Guayadeque.

Temisas is a beautiful scenic area that has been declared a Representative Canary Islands Hamlet by the Canary Islands Government.

In this area it is possible to view an outstanding landscape of mountains, with the rock formation of el Roque Aguayro and the largest olive grove of the Canary Islands, where the eighteenth century chapel of San Miguel is located.

Guayadeque is a deep ravine that divides the island. It is the location of the very interesting cave dwellings of Cueva Bermeja, with the chapel of San Bartolomé Apóstol and several inviting restaurants built right into the rock of the mountains. This is also one of the most beautiful routes on the island for seeing the almond trees in blossom, in the months of January and February.

El Barranco de Guayadeque, classified as a Natural Monument and as a Resource of Cultural Interest, has an Interpretation Centre built into the sides of the ravine. A visit to this centre means making a journey through time, from when erosion and volcanic activity shaped the landscape to the times of native settlement, colonisation and up to the present day.

La Montaña de Agüimes is another of the more interesting places for visitors, as it has archaeological remains where native cave drawings can still be seen, as well as cave dwellings. The most important site is Morro del Cuervo, with its unique collection of petroglyphs.

The petroglyphs of Balos, in el Barranco de Balos, are some of the most important cave drawings in the Canary Islands.

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