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We start the day by walking the route of the Cornisas, passing through the picturesque coastal villages of Estellencs and Banyalbufar, famous for their vineyards and 'marges' (walls of bench)...

We start the day by walking the route of the Cornisas, passing through the picturesque coastal villages of Estellencs and Banyalbufar, famous for their vineyards and 'marges' (walls of bench) present throughout the Sierra de Tramuntana. We continue along this emblematic road, admiring the beautiful landscape, to Binissalem, a village known for its vineyards, wineries and wines. Here, we can enjoy a wine tasting session and a Mallorcan aperitif. The snack will take us to the traditional flavors of past times and that left their mark on the kitchens of Mallorca.

We will enter the interior of Mallorca until we reach the beautiful village of Sineu, town with a unique variety and architectural beauty: the Castle of Jaime II converted into a convent, its parish church with a seven-story bell tower and the oldest rural hospital in Mallorca. Tucked away by history, we will enjoy the most traditional dishes of the island such as trempo coca, Mallorcan sausages with bread with tomato, tumbet... A good variety of products that tell us with their flavors, part of the culinary history of this island.

Our route follows the history of Mallorcan life and culture, visiting Els Calderers, an 18th century estate reflecting rural life in Mallorca. Formerly, dedicated to agriculture and livestock, the basis of the Balearic economy. Today, converted into a museum, we will be able to see furniture, customs and clothes of the time.

To finish our tour, we will visit the Orchid pearl shop, a perfect stop to admire one of the most representative jewels of Mallorca.

Trip Details

Full Day Trip
09:00 - 17:00

Opening Times

1st Aug - 31st Oct
9:00 am to 5:00 pm


12 - 99 years
3 - 11 years
0 - 2 years

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