Bivio Bistrot Restaurant

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About Bivio Bistrot Restaurant

The Bivio Restaurant is always full of life: starting from your the moment you wake up with our Buffet breakfast (from 7.30 to 10.30 a.m) with freshly-baked bread and warm croissants, fresh...
The Bivio Restaurant is always full of life: starting from your the moment you wake up with our Buffet breakfast (from 7.30 to 10.30 a.m) with freshly-baked bread and warm croissants, fresh fruit, yogurt, different types of cheese and salami from Livigno, biological jam, health cereals, eggs cooked in front of you and to your liking.At lunchtime we'll suggest you one of our typical yet simple and fast dishes, while in the afternoon we'll whet your appetite with sandwiches, ice creams and homemade cakes.And at sunset you can relax with a glass of wine or one of our cocktails...At dinnertime come discover a fantastic bufffet of appetizers and a lot more...All that in an informal, smiling and always lively atmosphere till 12 p.m.Il luogo sempre vivo del Bivio: a partire dal vostro risveglio con la nostra colazione a Buffet (dalle 07.30 fino alle 10.30) con panini e croissant caldi, frutta fresca, yogurt, formaggi e affettati livignaschi, marmellate Bio, cereali macrobiotici, uova cucinate a vista a piacimento.Per il pranzo vi proponiamo piatti tipici, semplici e veloci, mentre il pomeriggio vi stuzzichiamo con panini, gelati e torte fatte in casa.All’ora dell’aperitivo, vero momento principe della giornata tipo italiana, rilassatevi con un bicchiere di vino o uno dei nostri cocktails…Per la cena vi attendiamo con un fantastico buffet di antipasti e non solo…Il tutto in un ambiente informale, sorridente e frizzante fino alle 24.00.

Place Details

Opening times

08:00 - 22:00
08:00 - 22:00
08:00 - 22:00
08:00 - 22:00
08:00 - 22:00
08:00 - 22:00
08:00 - 22:00

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